You’ve made the decision to elope, and now you’re faced with the question of how to tell your family and friends. It can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you do it in person or over video call, being honest and preparing for every reaction is key. Here are some tips on how to share your exciting news without breaking any hearts.

Honesty is Key
Eloping isn’t something you should feel ashamed about doing. It’s important to remember that this is your wedding day and you should feel comfortable about your decision no matter what anyone else thinks. Start by ensuring that everyone knows why you chose to elope—whether it was financial considerations, wanting a more intimate ceremony, or any other reason so they can understand where you are coming from.
Be Prepared for Every Reaction
Your family and friends may be caught off guard when they find out that you’re eloping instead of having a traditional wedding, so it helps if you are prepared for whatever reaction they may have. They could be excited or disappointed; either way, remain open-minded and understanding, as well as firm in your decision if need be.

Destination Elopement Photographer
Tell Them In Person or Over A Video Call
When possible, try to do the announcements in person or over a video call so that your loved ones don't feel like they're being excluded from such an important event in your life. Let them know that even though the wedding will only include the two of you (and maybe a few close family members), there will still be plenty of opportunities for celebration afterwards!
Consider Having a Celebration Later On
If both you and your partner think it would make sense to celebrate with family and friends after eloping, consider organizing something special afterwards. That could mean anything from hosting a dinner at home with just close family members or throwing a big outdoor party for all of your friends. If timing allows for it, announce the news about eloping shortly before the celebration so that everyone can look forward to celebrating together soon after!

Telling people about your plans to elope may not be easy but it doesn't have to be difficult either. With honesty and openness comes understanding; plus you don't need anyone's approval but yours! Most importantly remember: this is YOUR wedding day so focus on what makes you feel comfortable and happy! No matter what reaction comes from telling those closest to you about your plans, you know that the best part is still yet to come!